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@coreyrobin to the white courtesy telephone please

Corey Robin to the white courtesy telephone please

by digby

Reactionaries are calling:

Former Pennsylvania senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum openly criticized libertarians in his speech to the audience, saying that “economic conservatism — libertarian types can say, oh, well, we don’t want to talk about the social issues. Without the church and the family, there is no conservative movement. There is no basic values in America in force, and there is no future for our country.”

Later, Santorum told BuzzFeed and a reporter from Reason that libertarianism could be “very positive, but you have to understand I’m conservative and not libertarian.”
His patience wore thin for the kinds of libertarians who might not vote for Mitt Romney. He encouraged those who might vote for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson to “vote for Barack Obama” instead.

Perkins rejected the idea that conservatives might have difficulty forging an alliance with libertarians and identified Santorum, however improbably, as the key link between the two factions.

“His candidacy was a large part of that by making the economic argument for marriage,” Perkins said.

“If you look at the libertarian viewpoint which I share in terms of I want a smaller government, I want less government, well how do you do that?” Perkins asked rhetorically. “You strengthen the American family. Because if you look at the government that has expanded, it has expanded to make up for the family which is in decline.”

“Right there is a good starting point for libertarians and social conservatives together.”

Uh huh. If you doubt it, read this book:

Also too, this.


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