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Obama’s army of dead voters and welfare queens

Obama’s army of dead voters and welfare queens

by digby
I’m fairly sure they believe this. Otherwise they’d have to admit that they don’t represent the vast majority of Americans as they think they do:

Conservative pundit Gary Bauer, the former president of the Family Research Council, which puts on the Values Voter Summit each year, told the crowd at the 2012 conference Friday that it needs to turn out in great numbers to defeat President Obama’s army of welfare recipients and fraudulent votes.

After his speech, Bauer told TPM “voter fraud is rampant in urban areas” and he expected that to help Obama.

Bauer also told TPM that “there are a lot of people who will vote this November because they depend on government largesse,” meaning checks from Washington. He expects those voters to go Obama as well.

“They will vote for their own perceived interests, which is they don’t want anybody cutting back the size of the checks,” Bauer said.

On stage at VVS, he made a similar case, but said hard-working Americans will turnout in stronger numbers.

“There’s a lot of people out now around America who depend on checks from their fellow taxpayers being in the mailbox every day,” Bauer said. “They will turn out in massive numbers, but so will the entrepreneurs, the small businessmen and women, the military families, the soldiers in harms way, the millions of Americans that want to hope again.”

I just want everyone to think about the fact that Bill Clinton and all the Democrats have been telling us for the past decade that “ending welfare as we know it” permanently took the issue off the table. (As “balancing the budget” and “safe legal and rare” did.) How’d that work out for us?

You want to know what taking something off the able looks like? It looks like a congresswoman being shot in the head by a lunatic and her political party celebrating when she recovers enough to lead the pledge of allegiance at their convention — but never even mentioning gun control. That’s what taking an issue off the table looks like.


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