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David Koch endorses a Grand Bargain

David Koch endorses a Grand Bargain

by digby

Look like we’re getting closer to a deal, kids. The Big Money Boyz are getting their ducks in a row.

David Koch:

“I think it’s essential to be able to achieve spending reductions and maybe it’s going to require some tax increases,” he said. “We got to come close to balancing the budget, otherwise we’re in a terrible deep problem.”

He even said he’d consider some defense cuts.

This is what the Dems have defined as a win.

My message to Democrats is the same message I’ve got to Republicans and independents, and that is, I want a balanced approach to deficit reduction that combines additional revenue, particularly from folks like me who can afford it, with prudent cuts on both the discretionary side and the mandatory side but that still allows us to make investments in the things we need to grow.

Just remember. Austerity-lite is not only unnecessary, it’s counter-productive. There is another option.


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