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More kooks with guns

More kooks with guns

by digby

…this time trained and paid by the taxpayers:

Four Army soldiers based in southeast Georgia killed a former comrade and his girlfriend to protect an anarchist militia group they formed that stockpiled assault weapons and plotted a range of anti-government attacks, prosecutors told a judge Monday.

Prosecutors in rural Long County, near the sprawling Army post Fort Stewart, said the militia group of active and former U.S. military members spent at least $87,000 buying guns and bomb components. They allege the group was serious enough to kill two people – former soldier Michael Roark and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Tiffany York – by shooting them in the woods last December in order to keep its plans secret.

I don’t know what their politics were, but let’s just say it’s unlikely they were left wing anarchists.

Read the whole piece if you have a few minutes. It’s an amazing story. Yes, they appear to be the usual militia meatheads, despite their murderous ways. It’s hard to imagine they could pull off anything too grand without killing themselves first. But I suppose one might have said the same about Tim McVeigh.

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