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Genuflecting to the ones who hate you: the DNC welcomes their sworn enemy

Genuflecting to the ones who hate you

by digby

I guess Rick Warren is no longer a member of the Democratic club, but luckily they found someone just as horrifying. They picked this guy to give the closing prayer at the DNC. The man who just recently said this:

Timothy Cardinal Dolan of New York took his case against the Affordable Care Act’s new rule requiring insurers and employers to provide preventive care services — including contraception — at no additional cost to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. The Catholic Church is fighting the requirement against the tide of public opinion and despite being specifically exempt from providing birth control to its members.

Dolan pulled no punches, however, going so far as to imply that the requirement would undermine the “American enterprise” and spread “secularism” throughout the nation:

DOLAN: You’re a better historian than I am Bill, you know that every great movement in — in American history has been driven by people of religious conviction. And if we duct tape the churches — I’m just not talking about the Catholic Church — if we duct tape the role of religion and the churches and morally convince people in the marketplace that’s going to lead to a huge deficit a huge void.

And there are many people who want to fill it up, namely a new religion called secularism, ok, which — which would be as doctrinaire and would consider itself as infallible as they caricature the other religions doing.

So to — to see — to see that morally-driven religiously-convinced people want to exercise their political responsibility, I think that is not only at the heart of biblical religion, it is at the heart of American enterprise.

Unsurprisingly, he will deliver the closing prayer at the RNC as well, perfectly symbolizing the fact that conservative religious attitudes hold sway over American politics in both parties.

Seriously, Democrats have many fine priests, ministers, pastors, rabbis etc who actually share the rank and file’s values. Why they consistently need to stab their own followers in the back by promoting these theocratic reprobates is beyond me. I do not believe it has ever gotten them one vote or the tiniest bit of help passing legislation.


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