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Yes, it really is a war on women, by @DavidOAtkins

Yes, it really is a war on women

by David Atkins

The DNC is hitting hard:

Democrats would likely have pursued this line of attack with or without Akin’s big mouth. But Akin’s statements have provided a crystallization of all that is wrong with social conservatism in America.

These are people who hate women because they see women as temptresses leading good men astray. These are people who don’t respect women because they see women as little more than baby-carrying vessels.

And at bottom they’re people are deeply, deeply afraid of sex and sexuality. One can pop psychoanalyze why ad infinitum, but at its heart we’re dealing with deeply repressed people who worry that all social order will collapse without keeping strict taboos on sexual behavior. These are a bunch of insecure, authoritarian men who worry that their wives will cheat and their daughters won’t respect them if those women are sexually awakened. They’re a bunch of busybody repressed women who are sexually miserable themselves, and want company in their misery.

Those sorts of views are pathetic and archaic in the 21st century, whether they’re in Saudi Arabia or rural Missouri.


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