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Nice little network you have here: CNN’s tea party problem

Nice little network you have here

by digby

I guess when you get into bed with the Tea Party, you’ll get out of it when they say you’ll get out of it. From Eric Boehlert:

In the wake of the controversy that erupted when Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican Party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate in Missouri, claimed it was “really rare” for victims of “legitimate rape” to become pregnant from the assault, CNN earned an unfortunate media distinction: Among the very few pundits I’ve seen defending, or trying to excuse, Akin’s outrageous comments are Dana Loesch and Erick Erickson.

Both work for CNN.

Thanks to Erickson and Loesch, CNN today is associated with a radical position on the Akin story that outflanks anything even Fox News commentators are saying about the controversy.

This is the price CNN continues to pay for wanting so badly to be connected with representative of the right-wing press. Perhaps in search of shields to protect itself from the incessant whines about “liberal media bias,” CNN’s decision to legitimize the strange views of Loesch and Erickson remains a deeply misguided one. read on …

I’m not sure what these two would have to do to get treated the way that Rick Sanchez and Octavia Nasr were treated, but if calling Supreme Court Justices “goat fucking child molesters” or saying that you’d like to urinate on corpses doesn’t do it, it’s hard to see what would.

Obviously, CNN is terrified of the right wing. Which is just sad. The right wing couldn’t hate them any more than they already do. That should be liberating and allow them to get rid of this failed Tea Party experiment. It doesn’t appear that they understand this.


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