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Letting the cat out of the bag: the Masters of the Universe hate democracy

Letting the cat out of the bag

by digby

“I agree that we have to do this stuff… but you don’t want to do it in public.”

This is the thinking of the Peterson Lame Duck Runaway Train plan. Which should come as no surprise.

I have been on the fence about whether it’s better to take the chance that the Ryan choice means the Obama campaign will sell the idea that he got a mandate for his “balanced approach” if this becomes a big election issue or take our chances with the Peterson plan. This video doesn’t completely settle it, but I’m leaning more toward the risky hope that the election will push the Democrats to the left and force them to abandon their “balanced” plan of cuts in exchange for chump change and full throatedly defend the social insurance safety net. As Biden did yesterday.

h/t to reader cs

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