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Mitt mingles with the downtrodden. Mere millionaires without even on dressage horse to their names.

Some of Mitt’s best friends are mere millionaires

by digby

In keeping with Romney’s admission that he’s friends with some NASCAR owners, here’s his latest attempt to relate to the 99%:

In an attempt to show his concern for farmers hit by the devastating drought that has swept 78 percent of the country, Romney had a photo-op with Iowa “farmer” Lemar Koethe. However, Koethe isn’t exactly the rugged down-home farmer struggling to keep his operation going that you might expect.

Or should I say operations — 54 of them. Yes, according to the Des Moines Register, Koethe owns 54 soy and corn farms. And that’s just one of his jobs.
In previous reports on his activity over the years from the Des Moines Register, Koethe is also a described as a millionaire, a real estate mogul, and a former concert promoter who booked acts like Slipknot at his 24,000 square foot event center.

Making this farmer’s life that much different from the average person, Koethe lives in the spaceship house pictured below. It might not have a car elevator like Romney’s planned home, but it’s got its own car wash bay and recreation center:

By Mitt’s reckoning, he’s just a salt ‘o the earth farmer, struggling along like ole Tom Joad in The Grapes of Wrath. I mean, the man doesn’t even have a car elevator, for Pete’s sake!


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