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Military worship is becoming absurd

Military worship is becoming absurd

by digby

I hadn’t been following closely this Ohio military voter dust-up assuming that the notion that only citizens who are in the military deserve to have the early, in person voting right that everyone enjoyed in 2008 was so discriminatory that it would never get anywhere. But apparently, military groups believe they should have this right above everyone else and are arguing for it.

This is incomprehensible. Of course those who are deployed overseas should get some dispensation and their absentee ballots should be given a little leeway. It’s been that way for years and nobody questions it. But some guy who is deployed in the motor pool at Wright-Patterson Air Force base (the only base in Ohio besides some coast guard facilities) can get his ass down to the polling place on election day if everyone else has to do it. If he’s on leave visiting his family, he certainly has enough time and if he isn’t going to be there on election day he can fill out an absentee ballot.
The Democrats protested this thing because they believe that early in-person voting is good thing for everyone, which it is, and want the law restored to what it was in 2008. To take it away is undemocratic and wrong, but to give it as a special right to the military is downright offensive in a free country.
This military fetish is reaching absurd levels and it isn’t funny anymore. The military deserves respect and gratitude, but they aren’t super-citizens who don’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else just because they wear the uniform. This is some dangerous stuff and I hope a judge will see through this nonsense.
And any sentient being should see through this pile of sophistry:


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