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Dear David — by tristero

Dear David Sirota

By tristero

You write:

We [Sirota and radio co-host/former Bush Administration official Michael Brown] both come to the microphone with a desire to dial down the rhetorical volume and engage in an honest dialogue about the toughest issues of the day.

Do you seriously think an “honest dialogue” can take place on “the toughest issues of the day” when conservatives frame misogynists as “pro-life,” bigoted fanatics as “Christians,” and cynical paid liars as “global warming skeptics?” Do think it is possible to speak with any substance at all “at a lower rhetorical volume” when even many liberals thoughtlessly repeat these outrageously misleading frames? I don’t.

Expecting an honest dialogue with a Bush administration hack is a lot like expecting honest financial reporting from Bernie Madoff. But hey, it’s a gig.




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