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Darrell Issa insults the Greatest Generation

Darrell Issa insults the Greatest Generation

by digby

I guess the depression kids and WWII vets are all a bunch of morons,commies or criminals:

Politicians of all stripes genuflect before the Greatest Generation, as newsman Tom Brokaw dubbed the men and women who endured the Great Depression, helped win World War II, and went on create the most prosperous society the world had ever known.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., offered a less reverential footnote today, attributing the origins of today’s fiscal crisis to entitlement programs fostered by some of those same people.

“The Greatest Generation created many of what the private sector would call Ponzi schemes,” Issa said at an Association of Government Accountants conference here. “They created Social Security, they created Medicare on their watch, [they] created Medicaid.” All of that, Issa continued, ”without resources or funding.”

“A generation that was doing many things right–coming out of World War II–also planted the seeds for all the problems we have today.”

I think it’s interesting that these wingnuts don’t want to go back to the 1950s anymore, which for many decades was considered the golden era for conservatism. Apparently, they’ve realized that a lot of what made the 50s so prosperous and peaceful (for nice white people) was the New Deal. So they have no choice but to sully their reputations as con-men.

They still revere the 50s, mind you. The 1850s.

*For a nuanced look at the GG, check out this great article by Chris Hayes.


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