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Uh-Oh — by tristero


By tristero

Gail Collins today:

Maybe the real answer to this and all the other Tea Party-over-establishment upsets is that the traditional Republican party is just burned out, and devoid of fresh faces.

This is a common and very old fallacy: Because the Republican party has such awful people and/or such awful ideas, it is burnt out, ie, weak, powerless. But their ideas have been awful for generations, and they have consistently elected mediocrities and scoundrels that are easily comparable to the current crop. But that’s not where the fire ever burnt.

It’s all about power, not ideas or people. And the Republican’s obsession with gaining a monopoly on political and financial power is blazing brighter than ever right now, fueled by hundreds upon hundreds of millions of pieces of green paper.

There is nothing burnt out about the Republicans, nothing at all.

UPDATE: Anyone who thinks this is a reason not to worry should stand outside one of those fast food chicken joints that’s celebrating hate today. There are a lot of very angry, very sick people in this county – and they vote. So should you.

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