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No health care now! No health care tomorrow! No health care forevuh!

No health care now!No health care tomorrow! No health care forevuh!

by digby

Uhm, Jim DeMint is telling states to just ignore a Supreme Court ruling if it doesn’t like it:

“This government takeover of health care remains as destructive, unsustainable, and unconstitutional as it was the day it was passed, unread, by a since-fired congressional majority. Now as then, our first step toward real health care reform and economic renewal remains Obamacare’s full repeal, down to the last letter and punctuation mark.

“I urge every governor to stop implementing the health care exchanges that would help implement the harmful effects of this misguided law. Americans have loudly rejected this federal takeover of health care, and governors should join with the people and reject its implementation.”

We’ve been here before, (with the constitutional federal mandate denials.) I’m sure the good Senator from South Carolina is aware of it too.

Love those states’ righters …


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