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Because they’re worth it

Because they’re worth it

by digby

Via Andrew Sullivan. We’ve seen this story before, of course. It would be nice if we never had to see it again, don’t you think?

Thank goodness the wealthy job creators don’t have to put up with such indignity:

For anyone who has ever waited days or weeks to see the doctor, concierge medicine sounds appealing: For an additional fee, patients typically enjoy same-day appointments and 24-hour access, more face time with the doctor and extra preventative care. Doctors who offer concierge medicine say the practice frees them from the constraints imposed by insurance providers and allows them time to give patients the individualized attention they need. Skeptics argue that concierge medicine promotes a two-tiered system, improving health care for a few but worsening it for everyone else.

“It’s an attempt to formalize two-class medicine,” says Wharton professor of health care management Mark V. Pauly. “Those who can pay will get better treatment with a smile, and those who can’t will have to wait.”

They’re lives are just worth more, that’s all there is to it.

h/t to teacherken

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