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Has Romney heard about Mr Google? Does he think no one will check?

Has Romney heard about Mr Google? Does he think no one will check?

by digby

Today he said:

“I ask a number of people close to the area of subject to come in and present their views,” Romney said. “I like having debate. I like having two sides. I didn’t go to law school, I didn’t practice law, but I like the idea of arguing points back and forth and sorting through them, and being able to probe, in some cases you need to go back and get more information.”


[H]is father, by now serving in President Richard Nixon’s cabinet as United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, advised him that a law degree would be valuable to his career. Thus he became one of only fifteen students to enroll at the recently created joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration four-year program coordinated between Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School He graduated in 1975 cum laude from the law school, in the top third of that class, and was named a Baker Scholar for graduating in the top five percent of his business school class.

I’m beginning to think that Mitt Romney is the guy they all falsely accused Al Gore of being. This is just weird. He went to Harvard Law and graduated cum laude.WTH?

Update: Apparently he was misquoted, which is, frankly, a relief. It’s too scary to think that someone could be that pathological and running for president.

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