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If they don’t want to talk about them, maybe they should stop regulating them

If they don’t want to talk about them, maybe they should stop regulating them

by digby

So the Michigan House of Representatives banned one of its members from speaking today. Why?

“What she said was offensive,” said Rep. Mike Callton, R-Nashville. “It was so offensive, I don’t even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company.”

What did she say? She said … “vagina”.

Word to the wise: among neanderthal Republican men, the proper medical term is “snatch”.

Update: Speaking of genitals:

Alan Simpson has a plan for stimulating members of Congress to finally act on the budget crisis.

It’s called the “Cialis solution,” he says, pausing for effect. “When it’s ready, it’ll be ready.”

Simpson credits the phrase to Erskine Bowles, his co-chairman on the presidential commission that produced a bold plan to slash the huge deficit, only to find both parties fleeing in horror. But with lawmakers now facing a fiscal calamity at year’s end, Simpson believes the looming deadline will stiffen their, uh, spines.

While members of both parties have begun to hold secret strategy sessions on the Hill, Simpson says flatly: “Nobody’s going to touch anything between now and Nov. 6.”

Oh Jesus, please get that picture out of my head. Please.


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