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We must drown this government to save it, by @DavidOAtkins

We must drown this government to save it

by David Atkins

I guess we’re supposed to be celebrating this now:

See? Republicans are lying! Democrats aren’t the tax-and-spend liberals the mean Republicans say we are! And look at all these graphs that prove it!

Pretty soon if Democrats shrink the government sector enough, the tide of public opinion will finally turn and we’ll be seen as the responsible, thrifty party. Maybe we can even shrink it small enough to fit in a bathtub! After which Cory Booker can have a champagne toast with new economy job creators like Jamie Dimon.

And boy oh boy, when we do, and those independent voters in Missouri finally notice how responsible we are for cutting discretionary spending to near zero, then Democrats will surely win more elections. And then won’t mean old Grover Norquist be mad, I tell ya!

Of course, the only thing that might endanger that happy dream would be spending valuable DNC dollars defending labor’s last stand in places like Wisconsin. That would be divisive and might get in the way of winning over undecideds in those all-important right-to-work states.

It all makes sense, if only you position your head just so…


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