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“If somebody is slightly disloyal to me I look upon it as a great act of horror”

“If somebody is slightly disloyal to me I look upon it as a great act of horror”

by digby

The retribution has begun. The only good news for Trump is that he is incapable of reading 400 pages so some of the people who spilled the beans may not be targets of his ire simply because he hasn’t been told about it:

An attorney for former White House counsel Don McGahn is pushing back after President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani went after McGahn’s credibility following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

McGahn’s lawyer responded after Giuliani gave interviews to The New York Times and The Washington Post in which he went after McGahn’s account of various instances of potential obstruction of justice detailed in the special counsel report…

“If McGahn thought any of those things were crimes, why did he stay there?” Giuliani asked Friday during an interview with The Washington Post. “They’re trying to make it out as if there’s something illegal about what happened with McGahn. The guy is a very good lawyer.”

“If he believed that there was something illegal, he wouldn’t have stayed in his job,” he added.

Giuliani also went after McGahn’s account to Mueller in an interview with The New York Times.

“It can’t be taken at face value,” Giuliani told the newspaper. “It could be the product of an inaccurate recollection or could be the product of something else.”

McGahn fights back:

“It’s a mystery why Rudy Giuliani feels the need to re-litigate incidents the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General have concluded were not obstruction. But they are accurately described in the report,” McGahn’s attorney William Burck said in a statement to The Hill.

McGahn went to great lengths to preserve his position in the GOP establishment by sticking it out to get the two Supreme Court justices confirmed and all the lower courts packed with wingnuts. But he also felt it was important to his future to be on the other side of Trump. The question is whether he’s alone in making that calculation or if other members of the establishment might be thinking of threading a similar needle. I think the Conways are doing a good cop bad cop version of the same. So far there isn’t much evidence that they are.

Here’s the president totally happy about his total exoneration:

I suspect some of his former henchmen who cooperated could be among those “sick” people. Remember:

Trump: If given the opportunity, I will get even with some people who were disloyal to me. I mean, I had a group of people that were disloyal …

Rose: How do you define disloyal?

Trump: They didn’t come to my aid and do small things …

Rose: Did they turn their back on you?

Trump: No, but they didn’t do small things that would have helped … you see, I’m so loyal to people, maybe I’m loyal to a fault. But I’m so loyal that if somebody is slightly disloyal to me I look upon it as a great act of horror.


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