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Pink Elephants on wingnut welfare

Pink Elephants

by digby

Why do I get the feeling that the GOP convention this year is going to be the bizarroworld version of the 2004 Democratic convention?

Recall that it was a flag-waving, drum pounding, martial celebration of epic manly proportions with the rave up ending featuring John Kerry accepting his nomination by saying “reporting for duty.” It was, needless to say, an unfortunate display of overcompensation that didn’t work.

The Republican “Young Guns” brand is heading into new territory—women.
The YG Network is launching YG “Woman Up,” riffing off of the term “man up,” in an effort to better communicate conservative policies to women…

YG Network Policy Director Mary Anne Carter said the women’s initiative is a good fit for the Young Guns because it is about taking a new approach to issues, including areas like moving to a flexible work-week.

“It’s a new way of looking at things, a fresher approach,” Carter said. “It’s center-right solutions to a broader audience that most certainly would include women.”
This is just the latest initiative by the YG Network, which also recently launched an energy and conservation project.

The new project, YGW, has a six-figure investment for launch and a target budget in the mid-seven figures, according to senior adviser Brad Dayspring. He declined to comment on who put up the funding.

In addition to running issue ads this election cycle, the group plans to have a major presence at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. While the programming is still under development, Carter said they plan to showcase women from across the country.

“There are real women superstars and we want to take advantage of that,” Carter said.

I have a picture in my mind of Mitt Romney striding to the podium to the melodious sound of “I am woman, hear me roar” blasting over the speakers. It should be fun.


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