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Blue America wants to give you a Thank You gift for supporting two stalwart progressive leaders

Blue America wants to give you a Thank You gift

by digby

If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars
I’d buy you a fur coat
But not a real fur coat– that’s cruel

If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars

I’d buy you an exotic pet

Like a llama or an emu
Barenaked Ladies

Blue America and Progressive Democrats of America are both working hard to elect two of the most outstanding progressive candidates running for office anywhere this cycle, Norman Solomon in California and Dr. David Gill in Illinois. They are both movement leaders who will operate independently of the Party heirarchy — which is why they need the help of small individual donors to win. They don’t take money from corporations and they scare the political establishment.

Unfortunately, both organizations are grassroots groups and neither one of us– nor even both of us together– has a million dollars. Instead we have a beautiful Fender Stratocaster guitar that has been autographed by each member of the Barenaked Ladies. Would you like that… instead of an emu?

We need to raise some money to help Norman and David win their tough races. David has already won a difficult primary against a conservative, Machine-backed Democrat, who finally conceded Friday. Now he’ll face whomever the GOP Machine forces down Republicans’ throats. Norman still has a primary ahead of him– and if he comes out in the top two, as is expected, he’ll face off against a more Establishment character for a seat in Congress.

David is in an open Democratic-leaning district, so as long as he can get his message out, he’s likely to win in November. And Norman’s district is one of the most Democratic and progressive districts anywhere in America. Both candidates have been endorsed by both PDA and Blue America. This is the first time our two groups have ever gotten together for a fundraising effort.

If we had the kind of money that’s been thrown at Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum’s pathetic ego-driven campaigns… we wouldn’t need to hold these types of fundraisers. But then, you wouldn’t have a chance to win your very own, personal (autographed by The Barenaked Ladies!) Fender Stratocaster, either.

Contribute any amount to these two candidates on this ActBlue page and you could be the lucky winner of a Barenaked Ladies guitar, signed by all the band members.

It doesn’t matter if you donate $10 or $1,000. Everyone has an equal chance to win the guitar. Of course, if you gave what both candidates are actually worth, it would require a donation of much, much more… but all we ask is that you give what you can.

Just go to this page and donate to both the candidates. On April 30th, we’ll pick one person at random and send him or her a very special thank you gift– the beautiful Fender Stratocaster guitar autographed by each member of the Barenaked Ladies.

Thank you. We hope we make participating towards a more Progressive Democracy fun and worth your while.


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