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Border Taseriffic — with video!

Border Taseriffic

by digby

TPM reports:

A video uncovered by PBS’s Need To Know and set to air this week appears to show US border agents from California using a stun gun on a Mexican man before his death.

Anastacio Hernandez-Rojas died in 2010 following an altercation with agents from the Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection near San Diego.

The full segment is set to air Friday, but Need To Know has posted a preview online. In the video, Hernandez-Rojas can be seen on the ground, surrounded by about a dozen agents. He did not appear to be resisting arrest when an agent deployed a stun gun.

Apparently a succession of undocumented workers expired from Taser International’s mysterious “diagnosis” for an illness that only affects people who’ve been tasered in police custody. What’re the odds?


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