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The New Advisors

The New Advisors

by digby

Right Wing Watch helpfully compiled the gallery:

Mitt can try to run away from these people but he won’t be able to do it. Social conservatives are absolutely necessary to any GOP candidate.

The far right is the tail that wags the Republican dog and they proved that they are no longer content to be good soldiers during the budget negotiations. They don’t give a damn if the entire country blows up, they will have their way. There is no reason to believe that they will stay home in November even if it means the Commie Kenyan usurper has another term and he takes the country all the way to perdition. You see, they are assured of their own righteousness — and they just don’t give a damn about anyone else. Mitt’s got his hands full.

To be perfectly honest, I think the entire GOP knows that Mitt’s unlikely to win. It’s hard to unseat an incumbent president and Obama’s numbers have held up remarkably well considering how terrible the economy has been. No, I think they know this one’s a loser — and they are setting themselves up as the one true King-maker for 2016. Mitt will have lost, you see, because he wasn’t conservative enough. They never are. As always, conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed.


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