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More trouble in tea party land, by @DavidOAtkins

More trouble in tea party land

Looks like more bloom is coming off the tea party rose:

More than three years after its inception, the tea party continues to attract support from more than four in 10 Americans. But a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds waning interest in the political movement and a drop in the number of women giving positive reviews of its message.

Women are the biggest problem for the tea party crowd by far:

Women in particular have lost curiosity and become more negative about the movement. In 2010, just under half of men and women alike said they were interested in learning about the tea party. Men are similarly inclined now, but the percentage of women who say they’d like to hear more has dropped significantly.

There’s also been a sharp increase among both independent and Republican women in the percentages saying that the more they hear about the tea party the less they like it. In 2010, a plurality of independent women said they liked the movement increasingly as they learned more; today, they say they like it less by 2 to 1. Republican women — who gave some of the most positive reviews of the tea party message two years ago — are far more tempered in their support this year.

It’s almost as if trying to throw over half of the population into the middle ages wasn’t such a great idea, politically. Who’d have thought it?


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