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The long awaited White House sex scandal finally arrives

The long awaited White House sex scandal finally arrives

by digby

And Darrel Issa’s on the case:

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said Sunday that he believes there were more Secret Service agents involved than current figures say in the prostitution scandal that broke Friday night.

“We think the number might be higher. And we’re asking for the exact amount of all the people who ‘were involved,’” Issa said on CBS’ Face The Nation. An upcoming investigation, he said, will be “about how did this happen and how often has this happened before. Things like this don’t happen once if they haven’t happened before.”

I don’t think he should overlook this damning piece of evidence:

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enjoys a relaxing momment at Cafe Havana in Cartagena, Colombia, on April 15.

Cafe Havana? Clinton? Coincidence? I think not. Clearly, subpoenas are called for and a full investigation must commence immediately.


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