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No, they really don’t like him, by @DavidOAtkins

No, they really don’t like him

by David Atkins

We already have quantitative evidence that Mitt Romney is by far the least liked Republican nominee in modern presidential history among his own party. Here’s some qualitative evidence as well, courtesy a frontpage post at FreeRepublic by its founder, Jim Robinson:

A reminder for those who are not receiving the message:

Romney is a pathological compulsive liar. Lie after lie papered over with more lies. Doesn’t even flinch when caught in bald faced lies, simply tells another big whopper to cover up or dodge the issue. Funny thing, the man actually seems to believe his own latest lies and simply ignores the glaring record of his past actions/lies. And you have true blue establishment elite RINO Republicans like Karl Rove enabling and backing up his lies. Their motivation is simply to hang on to power (and riches) any way they can.

I’ve stated many times since Romney started running for the presidency way back when that I’d never vote for him and I will not. He cannot lie his way out of his decades long record of support for abortion, Roe v Wade, planned parenthood, gay rights, gun control, global warming, amnesty, liberal judges, big government, compulsory or socialized health care (RomneyCommieCare), mandates, Keynesian economics, support and approval of TARP, bailouts, stimulus packages, i.e, every damn liberal progressive issue that comes down the pike.

C’mon. These are the reasons the tea party sprang up and the reasons he and Rove loathe the tea party and our tea party conservative candidates. Romney famously expressed his loathing for Reagan-Bush conservatism several years ago when he was trying to run to the left of Ted Kennedy and now he’s cloaking himself in Reagan conservatism, knowing full well that it’s a lie, but he knows it’s the only way he can possibly win, er buy the Republican nomination.

Screw Romney!! I absolutely will not support or vote for a proven compulsive liar with a known record of abortion and big government socialism, liberal appointments, etc. He still lies about RomneyCommieCare today. Calls it a “conservative solution.” Get real!!

Listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say about the elites pushing socialism on America via compulsory health insurance:

Ronald Reagan speaks out against RomneyCommieCare

There will be no campaign for this Massachusetts liberal liar on FR!!

Damn the libs and RINOS, full steam ahead!!

But no matter what happens we must turn out in November to vote IN as many conservatives and vote OUT as many rats as possible at all levels of government. If we don’t have a conservative at the top of the ticket we must turn out anyway and vote straight conservative DOWN ticket!! Just think of it an off cycle election and pour on the TEA!! It’ll be doubly important that we control both houses of congress and as many statehouses as possible.

Restore the 10th amendment!! Impeach the leftist president whoever he may be!! Restore Liberty!! Rebellion comes from the bottom up!!


No Bama!! No Romney!! Go tea party rebellion!!

Robinson is known to conduct purges of those who don’t follow in his ideological footsteps, and the comment thread is already over 1,750 comments–most of them supportive of Robinson’s position.

Yes, most of these people will end up pulling the lever for Mitt when push comes to shove. But if even two or three percent of these Tea Party people stay home, that could make an enormous difference in the final result.

It’s also another reminder that it’s not just the progressive base unhappy at times with its standardbearer. Far from being less divided than our politics suggest, it seems that a great many of us may actually be more divided than our politics suggest. The least divided seem to be the least politically engaged, which speaks less to centrist conviction and more to a less of engaged interest in the issues.


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