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The most idiotic thing you’ll read all day

The most idiotic thing you’ll read all day

by digby

Of course, it’s still early. But this is going to be hard to beat:

Filmmaker James O’Keefe demonstrated just how easy it is [to steal elections]on Tuesday when he dispatched an assistant to the Nebraska Avenue polling place in Washington where Attorney General Holder has been registered for the last 29 years. O’Keefe specializes in the same use of hidden cameras that was pioneered by the recently deceased Mike Wallace, who used the technique to devastating effect in exposing fraud in Medicare claims and consumer products on 60 Minutes.

O’Keefe’s efforts helped expose the fraud-prone voter-registration group ACORN with his video stings, and has had great success demonstrating this year in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Minnesota just how easy it is to obtain a ballot by giving the name of a dead person who is still on the rolls. Indeed, a new study by the Pew Research Center found at least 1.8 million dead people are still registered to vote. They aren’t likely to complain if someone votes in their place.

That article is by “voter fraud” crusader John Fund, who has yet to uncover the mass conspiracy of Democratic partisans who have been coordinating to steal elections by actually impersonating dead people at the polls. But maybe he can enlist the crack journalist James O’Keefe to help him. I’m sure nobody will be bothered if he uses outtakes from The Walking Dead. His reputation is sterling. He’s the new Mike Wallace.

Well, except for the open political agenda, the dishonest editing, the rap sheet and the bizarre public sexual obsessions. (And you’d think John Fund, of all people, would know better.


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