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“I wouldn’t want to be hanging out at some women’s event”, by @DavidOAtkins

“I wouldn’t want to be hanging out at some women’s event”

by David Atkins

CNN contributor and honcho Erick Erickson (via ThinkProgress):

ERICKSON: Who cares? Who cares that she wasn’t invited into the club? She’s a woman — women aren’t allowed! …. It is striking to me just how political the president wants to make everything. The war on women coming home to The Masters. Who freakin’ cares? […]

I don’t care that The Masters are a male-dominated event. I don’t care that women aren’t members of The Masters. Frankly, I kind of like the idea that women aren’t members of The Masters. Good Lord, I don’t want to be hanging out at some women’s event! Can’t men go anywhere and just be men? There are plenty of places where women can be women. … You know what Mr. President, why don’t you just leave the partisanship out of golf?!

Because a major sporting event is totally the same as a “women’s event” by definition, which Erick Erickson wouldn’t be caught dead at. There’s no depth to which conservatives won’t sink to defend the egregious abuses of private power. Rand Paul’s views on segregation are widely shared among conservatives; they just don’t dare say them in public anymore. Women are just one of the few groups against which it’s still apparently OK to be openly discriminatory–which is amazing, since women are actually over half the population.

Anyway, it’s nice to see that CNN keeps Erickson in its stable of paid contributors, as opposed to some inflammatory liberal blogger out of touch with American values. Makes things all fair and balanced.


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