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Terminal deficits: health care costs are bad for our health

Terminal deficits

by digby
Say what you will about Obamacare, it was an attempt to rein in health care costs. No, it will not control health care costs the way that a single payer plan would, but it is better in this respect than the status quo. Or, at least, has the potential to be so. So, if it is repealed, the alleged deficit hawks are putting the nation back on the road to exploding health care costs which, as the below graphs show (click to expand) is the only truly significant reason for the deficit:

I should at least point out that there is another option aside from exploding health care costs, single payer or Obamacare. We could adopt the Tea Party plan which is to allow those who aren’t Real Americans (who, by definition, deserve their government benefits) to die in the streets. That would would certainly save some money.


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