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Quote ‘O the day- Atrios

QOTD – Atrios

by digby

Oh this is going to be fun. Atrios is counting down the top ten wankers of the decade. And he’s doing it in style. Here’s an excerpt from today’s post on the 9th runner-up, Megan McArdle:

With McArdle we have the pinnacle of glibertarianism, though “fuck you I’ve got mine” has morphed into “oh fuck I don’t have quite enough I’d better be more creative even my defenses of plutocracy” as the years have passed. This post will probably be seen as unfair somehow, as apparently she’s on a blogging break to write a book. Its title is, dear me, PERMISSION TO SUCK, about “how risk aversion is sapping America of its core strengths.” Now I do think we should have a bit of permission to suck, to have a few career fails in our lives, but the problem isn’t risk aversion, it’s that the consequences of a bad coin toss are catastrophic for those of us without significant parental support in our do the trapeze without a social safety net world. A few of the fortunate do, indeed, have permission to suck. And suck they do.

He’s also running a spring fundraiser. Everyone who’s enjoyed the wonder that is Atrios over the past ten years should throw a couple of bucks in the kitty if they can.


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