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Fundamentalist bedfellows

Fundamentalist bedfellows

by digby

This is nice:

That’s the gay pride flag flying over a military installation in Afghanistan.

Tony Perkins of the family research council is very upset:

PERKINS: Where is the concern now for angering Afghan Muslims, who vehemently oppose homosexuality? The issue is as much an issue of military security as it is of religious morality. After February’s accident with the Korans, American lives were lost. What price will we pay because some want to use the military to show their gay pride?

Let’s call him Tony “Neville Chamberlain” Perkins from now on, ok?

I think Tony’s coming perilously close to suggesting that Americans should adopt Sharia Law, don’t you think? But then, there’s nothing new in that. If there’s any group that hates gays as much as the Taliban, it’s Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council. In fact, they share a whole bunch of conservative religious values. It’s a natural that they’d hook up eventually.


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