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Questioning the generals

Questioning the generals

by digby

I wondered how long it would take before he backtracked on this:

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Sunday he misspoke earlier in the week when he accused military officials of not being honest about the Pentagon budget.

“I really misspoke,” Ryan said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I didn’t mean to make that kind of an impression. So, I was clumsy in how I was describing the point I was trying to make.”

On Thursday, the Wisconsin congressman said senior military leaders had been misleading when they defended a decrease in Pentagon spending proposals. He argued that the generals were not “giving us their true advice” and accused them of toeing an administration line.
On Sunday, Ryan told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley that he called [General]Dempsey to apologize and clarify his comments.

“What I was attempting to say is, President Obama put out his budget number for the Pentagon first, $500 billion cut, and then they began the strategy review to conform the budget to meet that number,” Ryan said. “We think it should have been the other way around.”

On the same program Sunday morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also commented on the stir surrounding Ryan’s remarks.

“I think we have to take the generals’ word as they give it to us,” he said. “We’re going to move in the direction of making sure that America still is No. 1 in the world in defense, and the defense sequester, which I suspect Congressman Ryan was referring to, is something that many of us are looking at as something that could put us in a position to no longer be No. 1.”

Calling Generals liars is treasonous in the Republican Party. I was fairly shocked that he went there and that he took this long to walk it back.

This is also why if anyone believes that today’s conservatives will ever stop agitating for wars and start voting for defense cuts they are cracked. Yes, they will say certain things along those lines if it suits them in the moment to trip up the other side. They are even known to do it just to create dissonance among their political opponents. But when push comes to shove they will always be on the side of authoritarian force and that means support for cops, military and wars. It’s definitional.

Ryan won’t make that mistake again.


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