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The Secular Sharia Scrolls revealed

The Secular Sharia Scrolls revealed

by digby

The Ten Commandments of the Judeo-Christian tradition supplied the foundation for the American political experiment. As George Washington said, “Of all the disposition and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

By “Religion,” Washington meant Christianity, and by “morality,” he meant the Ten Commandments. In other words, according to the Father of our country, it is impossible to have political prosperity without building on the platform of the Christian religion and Christian morality.

Well that’s that. Would you like to know what our 10 Commandments of Secular Sharia are so you can print it out and carry it with you at all times?

1. “Government, not Yahweh, is God.” Secular fundamentalists want us to look to government for everything we we were once taught to look for from God. Government is all knowing, all powerful, all wise, all caring. You know, all the things God used to be.

2. “You shall have no gods, period.” The goal of secular fundamentalists is the extermination of any and all mentions of God and Christ in the public arena. The only exceptions to the “no god” rule will be for Gaia and Allah. Gaia is to be worshiped, and any blasphemy against her, by plundering her for such things as the fuel on which the world runs, will be met with the severest punishment and condemnation.

3. “You shall not take the name of the homosexual agenda or Islam in vain.” If you do, we will land on you like a falling safe. Profanity, blasphemy, vulgarity, obscenity, pornography, all are fine. Criticize homosexual conduct, on the other hand, and we will cause the wrath of our god to descend upon you as a consuming fire. You will be silenced, marginalized and treated as a leper. We secularists have freedom of speech but you cretinous conservatives do not. If you have a problem with sexually deviant behavior, you are by definition a homophobic hatemonger and we don’t have to listen to you.

4. “Observe Halloween, Labor Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as holy days. Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, on the other hand, must be wiped off school calendars as if they never existed.”

5. “Honor your father and mother — by which we mean liberal politicians, since they have turned government into your mommy and your daddy.” No husband, no problem: government will be the head of your home. No father, no problem: government will be your provider and raise your children for you.

6. “You shall not murder — unless it’s a defenseless baby in the womb.”

7. “You shall not commit adultery — unless it’s with another man’s wife. Fornication and sodomy without repercussions and penalty are okay too. And we’re working on polygamy and pedophilia.” Anyone who disagrees, and says anything remotely critical of such behaviors, will be subject to the wrath of the holy and righteous prophets of secular Sharia in the out-of-the-mainstream media, who will call down fire and brimstone on those who dare to challenge the sexual orthodoxy of leftist libertines.

8. “You shall not steal — unless it’s to plunder from the producers what they have earned to give to the non-producers what they have not earned.” Anyone who complains about this involuntary transfer of wealth will be judged by the secular mullahs as evil, greedy capitalists and silenced. Right after they have been ripped off.

9. “You shall not bear false witness — unless it is to tell blatant lies about the Constitution, American history, the economy, unemployment figures and drilling for oil.” As long as you are lying to advance the power and reach of government, or get a leftist politician reelected, it’s okay. Secularists have their own version of taqqiya, just like the Muslims do.

10. “You shall not covet anything — as long as it belongs to people who are poorer than you. If they have more money than you, they are evil oppressors who must be plundered of their ill-gotten wealth by our government overlords so it can be redistributed to the lazy, shiftless and irresponsible.”

That’s exactly correct. I just want to know who gave him access to the Super Secret Secular Scrolls. We weren’t supposed to let those out until after the revolution. Oh well …

Bryan Fischer, by the way, isn’t some fringe lunatic howling into the void at 2 in the morning. He’s a big wheel in Tea Party, religious right circles. Here he is with Rick Santorum a week or so ago:

Bryan Fischer may have spent the last several days defending Rush Limbaugh from the “secular Sharia” that forced him to apologize and attacking Sandra Fluke as slut who has been “sleeping with so many guys she can’t keep track [and] doing it three times a day” but, as we have noted before, Fischer’s long record of unmitigated bigotry has never stopped leading Republicans and presidential candidates from joining him on his program for an interview.

Just last month, Fischer was gushing over Rick Santorum and praising him for sounding just like the hosts on American Family Radio … and so it was no surprise that today Santorum found the time to join Fischer for a discussion of his presidential campaign.

During the interview, Santorum declared that President Obama does not think that he is bound by the Constitution and “believes he is more of an emperor than a president”.

Fischer and Santorum are smack in the middle of the Republican mainstream.


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