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The budget nobody will talk about

The budget nobody will talk about

by digby

While everyone coos and drools over Paul Ryan’s Very, Very Serious plan to cut the deficit, the progressive caucus can’t even get progressives to pay attention to their budget. This is a budget that preserves all the things we care about, even raises benefits for the elderly and cuts the deficit more than Paul Ryan does.

The Budget for All increases funding for a variety of successful job creation programs, restores high earner’s marginal tax rates to Clinton-era levels, and preserves Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid without making benefit cuts. The plan builds on the successes of the CPC 2012 proposal, The People’s Budget, which garnered praise from notable economists such as Paul Krugman and Jeffrey Sachs and outlets such as The Economist.

A one-page summary is available at and the executive summary is available at

Evidently anything that doesn’t demand pain from ordinary people just doesn’t interest the Villagers or anyone else. Why is that?

*Update: I cannot find the correct url for the full Budget materials. Will add the link when I get them.

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