Liberals, resist this taunt
by digby
I mean it. It’s a huge part of the reason that Democrats run scared and it’s got to stop. It’s been going on as long as I can remember — maybe as long as human history. And it’s been extremely destructive to civilization:
On March 16, Limbaugh explained to a caller what he meant by “new castrati”:
LIMBAUGH: That’s basically men with no guts who have just been bullied by women and the power structure and liberalism in general. And so, in — when I do the imitation of those guys — this is the new castrati — basically, these are people that just have been bullied into total acquiescence with the liberal agenda. They don’t stand up for themselves. They never stand up for what’s right for themselves. They’re just total appeasers. They just totally go along to avoid any resistance or confrontation whatsoever.
CALLER: So is castrati a play on words for castrate?
LIMBAUGH: Yeah, yeah. De-balled if you will.
Sadly, I’ve known many people in my life who’ve been intimidated by that taunt. And frankly, I see its effects fairly frequently even today with all the chest beating and high fiving over bin Laden’s death. I hate to break the news but you will never be able to kill enough people to make up for the fact that liberalism is perceived as “woman’s work” and the Democrats as “the mommy party.” If that’s what you seek then you might as well join the rest of the bullies and become a Republican.