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All there is to say on Limbaugh by @DavidAtkins

All there is to say on Limbaugh

by David Atkins

It’s remarkable how eerily similar the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and progressive bloggers were in their takes on Limbaugh:

The Daily Show:

And Colbert:

The responses to Limbaugh are similar not because they’re scripted by the same people, but because it’s really obvious how horribly wrong he and his co-ideologues are on this issue. The stupidity and misogyny are pretty cut and dried.

That the Republican candidates for President refuse to condemn not only Limbaugh’s words but his argument speaks volumes but isn’t terribly surprising.

More interesting, however, would be to get every Republican congressional and even legislative and non-partisan races in the country to clarify their feelings about whether contraceptives are bad for society. Limbaugh is their Dear Leader, they count on him to inflame to base to draw out their voters, and their presidential candidates stand by Limbaugh’s arguments, if not his words.

They should be forced to stand right alongside him and see how their potential constituents feel about that. Find your local state and national Republican legislators and candidates for those offices, try to get them on the record, and share that information with local progressive groups and county committees.


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