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Catholics support Obama, not their out-of-touch weird Bishops

Catholics Support Obama, not their out-of-touch weird Bishops

by David Atkins

A new Kaiser Family Foundation poll says it all:

Nearly two-thirds of Americans favor President Barack Obama’s policy requiring birth control coverage for female employees, including clear majorities of Roman Catholic, Protestant evangelical and independent voters, a poll showed on Thursday.

A Kaiser Family Foundation survey of 1,500 adults showed public opinion breaking more strongly according to party affiliation than gender on contraceptives, with 83 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents and 42 percent of Republicans favoring the policy.

The Bishops represent a bizarre rump minority view in this country, one that should be roundly mocked and ignored by leaders of a civilized society. If the Bishops can’t even convince their own flock on an issue as important as this, I don’t see why any public policy leader should pay them any heed whatsoever.

Remember that Rick Santorum can’t even beat a seriously damaged, politically inept Mitt Romney in Republican primaries, even with significant Democratic crossover help. The Bishops essentially represent the antediluvian minority of the country that actively supports the likes of Rick Santorum. They can hold whatever beliefs they want, but that doesn’t mean anyone of note has to care.


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