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Slack-jawed Fox: so scrambled they even spoke up for government programs for teen-agers

Slack-jawed Fox

by digby

People wonder why they hate us? Here’s why they hate us:

The notorious detention zone now includes a facility for inmates to get exercise, which is a bridge too far for the Foxers.

The “soccer field” has been installed outside Gitmo’s Camp 6, with connecting cage tunnels so that detainees do not need to be escorted to the field by guards.

Co-operative detainees have access to the field, which at present is a patch of dirt surrounded by barbed-wire fences, for up to 20 hours a day. There are no goals on the field and no reports indicate the availability of a ball.

That is a shocker. No, not the soccer field. I’m talking about the fact that the man with the bizarro glasses was advocating spending government money on teenagers. I would have thought they’d rather tear up hundred dollar bills and eat them rather than do something like that.

Keep in mind that the vast majority of those still being held at Gitmo aren’t guilty of anything or were low level grunts who had no operational responsibilities. Of course they are Muslim, so that’s reason enough to deny them even the slightest bit of human decency while they are being indefinitely imprisoned.


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