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Rick Santorum: Stupid or just Crazy? by @DavidOAtkins

Rick Santorum: Stupid or just Crazy?

by David Atkins

This must have been covered by others before, but here’s Rick Santorum on Twitter from February 13:

Obama is wrong. Government cannot force you to pay for something that violates faith or beliefs. Govt has no right to do this.

Unlike Gingrich or Romney, Rick Santorum doesn’t seem to be the type to say something like this purely as a political ploy. I think Rick actually believes this when he says it.

Which means one of three things:

1) He’s so stupid that he doesn’t understand the implications of this theory of government and taxation, in which case he shouldn’t be allowed near sharp objects unsupervised, much less the nuclear launch codes; or

2) He’s a power-mad situational ethicist who simply doesn’t give credence to any spiritual beliefs that might reject other things government pays for that people find morally objectionable, such as illegal wars, capital punishment, faith-based initiatives, etc. In which case he intends to rule with a dominionist iron fist of theocracy in which government needn’t pay a dime for anything his narrow of band co-religionists find objectionable, but must pay for things that others might well find immoral. In which case he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near power of any kind, even as a manager at McDonalds, to say nothing of Commander-in-Chief; or

3) He’s a member of the sovereign citizen movement, declaring each person a nation unto themselves to determine what if any tax laws apply to them. In which case he belongs under surveillance, not in the Oval Office.

It would be nice if a reporter would ask him to clarify his statement on Twitter, and try to elicit from him which of the three categories of instant disqualifications from the Presidency best fit this madman.


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