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Make My Palin Dreams Come True by @DavidOAtkins

Make My Palin Dreams Come True

by David Atkins

From Sarah Palin’s lips to God’s ears, please:

Fox News analyst Sarah Palin hinted Wednesday that it is not too late for her to get into the Republican presidential contest.

Asked in an interview if she would be interested in jumping in the race if there is no clear winner by the time Republicans gather this summer for their nominating convention, Palin said she would “do whatever I could to help.”

Fox Business interviewer Eric Bolling asked about the possibility of a so-called “brokered convention” in Tampa, Florida, in August — a scenario many consider unlikely.

Palin told Bolling she thinks “it could get to that,” and if it does “all bets are off.”

The former Alaska governor, who has made no secret of her distrust of Romney and desire for a more conservative nominee than the former Massachusetts governor, reiterated her desire for the nominating process to play itself out.

“If it had to be kind of closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we would be looking at a brokered convention. I mean nobody is quite there yet, so I think that months from now, if that is the case, then you know, all bets are off as to who it will be, willing to offer up themselves up in their name in service to their country. I would do whatever I could to help,” Palin said.

There is no way that Democrats have been good enough this year to be granted this storybook scenario by our fairy godmothers. Let’s all just hope for a Santorum candidacy instead. That’s hilarity enough.


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