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Winning, austerity style

Winning, austerity style

by digby

Can I just how how awesome it is that progressives are now thought to be “winning” issues by cutting taxes, cutting unemployment benefits, cutting federal pensions, cutting health programs and agreeing to mandatory drug testing? If we keep this up we’ll put Republicans out of business in no time. They will be superfluous:

Congressional negotiators reached a final deal to extend the popular payroll tax cut for the rest of the year, with Republicans agreeing to tack the $100 billion cost onto the deficit and Democrats accepting diminished jobless benefits as well as some drug testing for the unemployed.

The costliest part of the measure extends the current 2 percent payroll tax holiday enjoyed by some 160 million workers through the end of the year, saving the average family about $1,000.

It also prevents a cut in doctor payments under Medicare, and funds extended unemployment benefits, even as it starts to cut their duration from 99 weeks to 73 weeks.

While the payroll tax break is paid for with borrowed money — a major concession for GOP leaders who had adamantly opposed new deficit spending — Democrats gave up their traditional stance that emergency unemployment benefits should be offset with cuts elsewhere. They also agreed to quicker cuts in the duration, and to allow drug-testing of unemployed people who had tested positive before or who were seeking work in certain jobs.

Republicans relented on other restrictions they had hoped to place on people looking for work, including requiring them to enroll in GED programs.

The $52 billion cost of the unemployment extension and Medicare “doc fix” will be funded in part by forcing federal workers to contribute more to their pensions and by auctioning off unused sectors of the broadcast spectrum. Precise estimates of that revenue were being reviewed by the Congressional Budget Office Wednesday night. Federal workers would pay for about $15 billion of the unemployment extension by having their pension contribution raised from 0.8 percent to 1.55 percent. Spectrum auctions would provide about $15 billion, according to preliminary estimates.

To pay for the $22 billion “doc fix,” negotiators agreed to cut about $7 billion that goes to hospitals to cover debts. Another $5 billion would be cut from the health care law’s prevention fund, created to curb things like childhood diabetes and smoking. The rest comes from altering payment formulas for hospital aid to certain states, cutting some Medicaid assistance to Louisiana that was boosted after Hurricane Katrina and trimming payments to clinical labs.

This is the part that cracks me up:

The negotiations came together relatively quickly after Republicans caved Monday on their insistance that the payroll tax cut be paid for.

“When you’re dealing with people whose only interest is in the next election, you gotta find some way to break the impasse,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said. “I think everybody understands this is the president’s favorite stick to beat opponents with, and I think part of the strategy of the House Republicans is let’s get the sharp sticks and the big sticks off the table.”

Yeah, Republicans “caved” by agreeing to unpaid for tax cuts. There’s nothing they hate more than that.

If one were to have asked me three years ago if we’d be cutting unemployment benefits with 8.4% unemployed, I’d have laughed in their face. But that was before austerity became our new motto. Now, it’s a reasonable compromise for tax cuts. What a world.


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