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Animals on the loose (not the four-legged kind…)

Animals on the loose

by digby

I guess I shouldn’t bother with this, but it’s so disturbing that it’s sort of like documenting war atrocities. It’s horrifying, but you feel you have to do it.

Charles Johnson:

In the Fox News article about Whitney Houston’s daughter, we see the Fox News audience spewing the same kind of nauseating racial hatred they directed at Whitney: Concerns for Whitney Houston’s Daughter Mount After Mom’s Death | Fox News.

Some of these comments were posted by the same people whose comments were deleted in the previous thread. Fox News moderators deleted the blatantly racist comments, but didn’t block the accounts.

I went over to the thread and really, the racism is just one aspect of the horror. The people who post comments there are just animals in every way. Johnson has cataloged some of the worst examples.

I’ll be back later, after I’ve bleached my brain.

Update: I do have to laugh at this one:

I really don’t understand the hatred brought in by you libs, i mean Fox News does have some big name democrats on its payroll unlike CNN and MSNBC that have some J.V contributors on the Republican side.

Bob Beckel, Democratic supahstah!


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