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Il Douche in Washington State

Il Douche in Washington State

By digby

Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy

Ok, this may be the creepiest Youtube of the campaign:

The former Pennsylvania senator was cheered by the largest public outdoor rally in Western Washington that a Republican White House hopeful has seen in years. But Santorum fought to make himself heard over chants from protesters.

The candidate tried to link together President Obama and the demonstrators, declaring: “They’re fundamentally trying to remake our country into a country that our Founders wouldn’t recognize.”

The Santorum rally, at the Washington State History Museum, was the state’s the most raucous political event since conservative talk radio activists provided a loud bump in the 1994 Hillary Clinton health care caravan.

But the Clinton visit came in an era before glitter bombing, which Santorum experienced for the second time in a week, and chants of “We are the 99 percent.” The remnant Occupy Tacoma movement have their headquarters less than a block from the museum.

Not the most humorous of candidates, Santorum went straight at the hecklers rather than humoring and poking them. “What we see is an intolerance for different points of view,” he said. “They use bullying tactics, they shout down, they disrupt.”

The GOP hopeful also drew a bead on other targets ranging from the Obama administration’s effort to include contraception in health care coverage to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

A 9th Circuit panel recently overturned California’s Prop. 8, which halted same-sex marriage in America’s largest state.

“The 9th Circuit decided anyone who disagrees with these folk,” said Santorum, apparently referring to marriage equality supporters among the hecklers, “is irrational and bigoted . . . What they represent is true intolerance, (that) the only possible reason to disagree is that they are a hater or bigoted.”

To paraphrase Molly Ivins, I enjoyed it more in the original Italian.

BTW: I’d remind Il Douche that some of his best friends are bullies:

This morning, Politico reported that Democratic members of Congress are increasingly being harassed by “angry, sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior” at local town halls. For example, in one incident, right-wing protesters surrounded Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY) and forced police officers to have to escort him to his car for safety.

This growing phenomenon is often marked by violence and absurdity. Recently, right-wing demonstrators hung Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-MD) in effigy outside of his office. Missing from the reporting of these stories is the fact that much of these protests are coordinated by public relations firms and lobbyists who have a stake in opposing President Obama’s reforms.

The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year, are now pursuing an aggressive strategy to create an image of mass public opposition to health care and clean energy reform. A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie, a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots, details how members should be infiltrating town halls and harassing Democratic members of Congress:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: “Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington.”
– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation, Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early.”
– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

I don’t recall the Tea Party Townhall protesters being tasered for that bully behavior. In fact, what I recall is disgusting behavior like this. And these hideous sadists were feted by the entire political and media establishment as salt of the earth Real Americans using their first amendment rights to fight for their values.

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