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Procreation for old men

Procreation for old men

by digby

I’ve wondered why insurance coverage for Viagra isn’t as controversial as contraception and now I have my answer:

If health insurance plans offered by Catholic-sponsored entities refuse to cover contraceptives for women because of the religion’s moral teachings banning artificial birth control, do they cover Viagra for men?

The answer on Viagra coverage is usually yes, Catholic leaders say. And they argue that’s neither hypocritical nor sexist.

Procreation is something the Catholic church encourages. And Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs can be of help.

Hmmm. Most of the men who get prescriptions for erectile dysfunction are middle aged and older. And since it’s considered “procreative” for these same middle aged and older men to be enabled to have sex one can’t help but wonder who it is they are having sex with because it can’t possibly be with their middle aged and older wives who are past their childbearing years. These men should only be sleeping with much younger women. Assuming the church still believes in the sanctity of marriage this is quite odd, don’t you think?

Why is it that I find it so unlikely that the Church will ever come out against Viagra for older married men? I’ll have to think about that.


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