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How dare these illegals claim our waters?

How dare these illegals claim our waters?

by digby

Finally, a rightwinger with some sense:

A lawmaker in Mississippi is pushing to change the name of “the body of water located directly south” of the state, the Gulf of Mexico, to the “Gulf of America.”

State Rep. Steve Holland (D) has introduced HB 150, which says that “for all official purposes within the state of Mississippi, the body of water located directly south of Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties shall be known as the ‘Gulf Of America’; and for related purposes.”

It’s an insult that all these illegal alien names exist in our country. I think we should change them all starting with New Mexico. We’ll call it New America! (I’ll have to think about what to do about California and Texas.) And then we’ll start on the food. First, we could insist that they change Taco Bell to Liberty Bell — and they could serve “all American corn wraps” instead of tacos and USA bean packets instead of burritos. I don’t even want to think about how to deal with almost every town, school and highway in the Southwest but I’m sure we can get it done if we put our minds to it. It’s that important.

*click the link to see the real punchline.

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