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Newtie and Ronnie: conservatism’s common thread

Newtie and Ronnie

by digby

Walter Shapiro has a nice piece up today about the GOP primary, and in particular the Newt phenomenon. It’s worth reading completely but I think this is something that’s overlooked:

The fact is, the former House speaker personifies conservatism much as Ronald Reagan did in 1980. With two thirds of the state’s GOP electorate older than 45 (based on 2008 exit polls), voters remember that Newt was the most important Republican of the 1990s. His triumphs in a bleak decade for the GOP earn him a degree of latitude that will never be granted to Romney, no matter what hard-right positions Mitt takes in the quest for the nomination.

He’s not the genial side of Reagan, he’s this side:

“There has been a leadership gap and a morality and decency gap at the Uni­versity of California at Berkeley where a small minority of beatniks, radi­cals and filthy speech advocates have brought such shame to and such a loss of confidence in a great University that applications for enrollment were down 21% in 1967 and are expected to decline even further.

You have read about the report of the Senate Subcommittee on Un­American Activities-its charges that the campus has become a rallying point for Communists and a center of sexual misconduct. Some incidents in this report are so bad, so contrary to our standards of decent human behav­ior that I cannot recite them to you in detail.

But there is clear evidence of the sort of things that should not be per­mitted on a university campus.

The report tells us that many of those attending were clearly of high­school age. The hall was entirely dark except for the light from two movie screens. On these screens the nude torsos of men and women were por­trayed from time to time in suggestive positions and movements.

Three rock and roll bands played simultaneously. The smell of mari­juana was thick throughout the hall. There were signs that some of those present had taken dope. There were indications of other happenings that cannot be mentioned here.

What in Heaven’s name does academic freedom have to do with riot­ing, with anarchy, with attempts to destroy the primary purpose of the Uni­versity which is to educate our young people?”

The Newtie version:

“All the Occupy movement start with the premise that we owe them everything,” Gingrich said. “They take over a public park they didn’t pay for, to go nearby to use bathrooms they didn’t pay for, to beg for food from places they don’t want to pay for, to obstruct those who are going to work to pay the taxes to sustain the bathrooms and to sustain the park, so they can self-righteously explain they are the paragons of virtue to which we owe everything. That is a pretty good symptom of how much the left has collapsed as a moral system in this country, and why you need to reassert something by saying to them, ‘Go get a job right after you take a bath.’”

That’s the heart of movement conservatism. And Romney has no feel for it.


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