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“Our national debt is something shocking!”

“Our national debt is something shocking!”

by digby

I wrote about this before, but occurred to me today that the Republican candidates literally sound more and more like that banker from John Ford’s 1939 classic Stagecoach:

Henry Gatewood:

I don’t know what the government is coming to. Instead of protecting businessmen, it pokes its nose into business! Why, they’re even talking now about having *bank* examiners. As if we bankers don’t know how to run our own banks! Why, at home I have a letter from a popinjay official saying they were going to inspect my books.

I have a slogan that should be blazoned on every newspaper in this country: America for the Americans! The government must not interfere with business! Reduce taxes! Our national debt is something shocking. Over one billion dollars a year! What this country needs is a businessman for president!

It’s a testament to their persistence that they’ve stuck with their program for nearly 75 years.


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