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Teens react to Rick Perry’s “Strong” by @DavidOAtkins

Teens react to Rick Perry’s “Strong”

by David Atkins

This is almost like beating a dead horse at this point given Rick Perry’s irrelevance to the GOP race, but this video posted a few days ago is priceless:

Republicans are screwed with the younger generation, particularly on the social conservative front. Libertarianism is making some dangerous ideological inroads, as the only people unafraid to be against insane foreign interventions and insane drug policies also happen to be in favor of insane Objectivist domestic spending policy. If Democrats don’t figure out that the future lies in taking more progressive stances on social issues, foreign policy and drug policy, they’re going to get flanked by libertarian nutcases who will implement objectively horrible domestic spending cut policies.

But the traditional conservative base is dying and it isn’t coming back. The kids are all right.


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