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The Year In Religion

The Year In Religion

by digby

There are a lot of top 10 lists going around, but this one is especially interesting. Peter Laarman at Religion Dispatches has put together a list of religious developments that have gone under the radar. They’re all fascinating little observations, but this one stuck out at me:

Latino Catholics Distinctly More Gay-Friendly Than Latino Evangelicals

A too-little-noticed 2010 poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that a majority of Latino Catholics in California (57%) said they would vote to allow gay and lesbian couple to marry, compared to just 22% of Latino Protestants. This same Catholic-Protestant divide within the Latino community was evident across a wide range of public policy issues related to gay and lesbian rights. The Latino Catholic latitudinariansm on marriage tracks another almost-unreported finding , to wit: that the single most gay-friendly religious body in the U.S., bar none, is the lay Catholic community. Bishops, are you listening?

“Common ground” Religion Industrial Complex are you listening?

The bad news is that Evangelical Christianity is growing in leaps and bounds in the Latino world, but still. This is yet another example of how the Catholic Hierarchy and the social conservatives are out of step with many of those who they seem to think they represent.


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