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Quote of the Day: The Bobo

Quote of the Day

by digby

David Brooks:

Did you see the Gallup chart that has been making the rounds that many, many more people fear big government than big business? …

This is one more piece of evidence, by the way, that the Occupy movement is the most over-hyped story of the year. The O.W.S. people want one thing, and the rest of the country is shifting in the opposite direction. The only people who lavish attention on the Occupiers are editors at various coastal media outlets. The rule seems to be that the more Louis Vuitton ads a magazine carries, the more stories it will run on O.W.S.

How very droll. Putting Occupy Wall Street in the same sentence as Louis Vuitton is exceptionally clever, I’m sure. No doubt Peggy Noonan and George Will tittered all over their brioche toast and truffle butter when they read it.

But perhaps someone should remind David that he works for a coastal media outlet that carries more Louis Vuitton ads than any other in the nation. If what he says is true,those out-of-touch Occupier elites are what’s keeping him in Guccis.

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